7 Things About Me

I think this is the first time I have been tagged for this one.  I have Lorna Jane to thank for this.  :D

Hmm…I’m going to cheat and steal 7 answers from my facebook entry of 16 things, but I’ll be nice and expand on some of them.  That’s fair, right?

  1. I have a collection of puzzles like rubik’s cube, pyramids and missing links on my desk that my friends and family mix up for me and then I solve them whenever I am on the phone and need something to do with my hands.  I just put my pyramid back in order this morning.  Who wants to fess up to scrambling it?
  2. My first two cars were a Camaro and a Corvette – both red. Now, thanks to my two lovely children, I drive a silver mini-van.  There is some kind of twisted irony in there somewhere.
  3. When I was 14, I was hit by a drunk driver and I have metal plates in my back. During a routine scan last month, they discovered that one of the screws is cracked. So I guess you could say I have a screw loose. :D
  4. My entire kitchen is decorated in Coca-Cola, however I usually only drink water and green tea.
  5. I am a total computer geek. If I could implant my iPhone in my arm, I would do it.
  6. I don’t like chocolate – unless it is mixed with peanut butter and even then I only like it in small quantities.  On the flip side, I absolutely love celery, but not with peanut butter.
  7. Girls Can't WHAT? DrummerMy high school friends know me as a trombone player, my friends after high school know me as a drummer.  I think it’s funny to connect with high school friends on Facebook and have them say “You play drums?”  It’s even funnier to explain to them that I majored in percussion in college.  Guess that was a well-kept secret back then.  :D

Now for the hard part…finding 7 people to tag:

  1. Kelli
  2. Cali
  3. BikerBetty
  4. Jan
  5. Julia
  6. Jenn
  7. You…pick up the ball and run with it! Facebook-It, Twitter-It, whatever.  Just post your link in the comments.  :)

Here are the rules:

  • Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some wierd.
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.

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