Nicole Malachowski (Quotes)

  • “I may be a catalyst for discussion, but Americans understand what the real story is – the real story is not having a girl flying with the Thunderbirds. The real story is the people wearing Air Force blue who are in there fighting the global war on terrorism right now. And that’s what we have to keep America focused on. That’s what (the Thunderbirds) are trying to remind people of, that there are men and women in blue sleeping in the desert in harm’s way.”
  • When asked the origin of her call sign “Fifi”, the short version, she says, is “a small person with a big attitude.”
  • “Somebody had to be first.”


  • A

    Arthur – thanks for sharing. That was a great story and a fantastic testimonial to Nicole’s character! :)

  • Arthur Robinson

    I had the lucky opportunity to meet Maj. Malachowski in June of 2007. I had a brief chance just after a practice session to see the pilots transit from their aircraft to the debriefing building. While viewing other flights and their practices a moment came where the Thunderbird crew began to exit; some loading into vehicles and some joining to watch the F-22 Raptor Demo near and and around me. I asked one of the crew if they would pass on a military unit coin to one of the pilots. These special coins represent variouse military groups and individuals and honor the person they are given. Well the crew member had and some time later while stairing into the sky a brite and cheery voice behind me asks if I had passed on the coin? “Well Hi I’m #3 Right Wing Pilot Nicole Malachowski” respecting this lady has gotta be pretty busy I short and sweet say “well your welcome and its and honor for it to be among your collection.” She ended up talking to me another 15 minutes about all kinds of things aviation, Thunderbirds and if or when they would began using F-35’s? Inside I was doing backflips and screaming. I also kept thinking how busy she had to be and didnt feel worthy of keeping her so long. She informed me that she also flew the F-15E and how awasome it was. She showed such an interrest in my story and really didnt mind talking. I have since learned thats who and how she is. Then I thought to myself this is somebody very special to our society. 9 Months later I hear she was inducted into Women in Aviation International’s Pioneer Hall of Fame. If your wondering if you can have lofty goals and achieve? Well you can’t if you dont try. Many of us talk ourselves out of something we would enjoy and probebly be given a chance. Well she felt the same along the way and was a Thunderbird Pilot! I dont think she’s done either. Believe in yourself and try. You wont regret it. And I truely feel that if she heard your story she would incourage you some more.

  • Mark Eberle

    It takes small person with a big attitude. You sound like a person that is enthusiastic and enjoys meeting meet people. It is nice to know that people who can find the their dreams I also find my.

    I enjoy going to military air shows so much in 26 years I have been photographing 70 military air shows in that time.

    How I got stated my Grandmother took me to my very first when I was four years old on my six brithday she gave me my very first camera. This how I became an Air-Show Photographer.

    Since I started my Business I make $100,000
    per year. I also take pictures of Classic and
    Exotic Cars. I Photograph Spectacular Projects Pictures, Weddings, Wildlife Special Event Parties, Anniversary Parties, Landscapes, Northwest Flowers, Japanese Botanical Tropical Gardens I sell photos and Customizes Calendars on my Website.

    Master Business License in all area™s in photography, Pubic Relations Product Promotion Specialist, Enthusiastic Motivational Speaker Business Consulate Excel Team Leader Expert.
    Chairman Founder Owner of Eberle Enterprises!

    I am also a life member of the Men™s Auxiliary for Post 2995 to the Decedents of Foreign Wars

    You may contact me at

    Mark Andrew Eberle
    Chairman Founder Owner of Eberle Enterprises
    26 years of experience Air-Show Photographer
    F2039 22433 Marketplace Drive Redmond WA 98053
    Cell # (425) 531 4016
    Business E-mail
    Personal E-mail

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