Weekly Challenge: Non-Celebrity Role Models

This is it! Your chance to honor the women in your life that have made a difference in who you are today. I don’t want to hear about celebrities. I want to hear real stories about real people. Give me names, post links, share your thoughts or write a thank you note to them. If you have your own blog, post a story and link it back to here. I don’t think we can ever get enough inspiration and I much prefer my influence come from “everyday” people than bloated hollywood hype, don’t you?

Comments much appreciated. If you can hook me up with an interview as well, I would love to post it here. ;)

1 comment

  • danii archuleta

    uuuh a role model that isnt a celebrity? would have to be all of my friends. they all helped make me the kind of person i am today. ive changed after making some of my friends- for the better. im a happyr person now

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