What took one woman to successfully build and manage, now takes two men to run..

final 5-09At age 31 I started my own business as a financial planner and asset manager. There were occasions when men have said to me “You’re a woman. What do you know about finances? Why should I listen to you?” My response was: Most people find they spend much of their time at work and taking what little time is left to enjoy their life that they don’t have the time, energy, desire or knowledge to learn all they need to know to do a good job managing their finances and to take advantage of all the opportunities that are available and appropriate for them. My only full time job is to do just that. I have specialized training in this area and continuing education on a regular basis throughout the year. I can help you do a better job with the money you have to work with. I will not charge you a fee unless I know you will be better off after working with me than you were before. I can save you time and money. Isn’t that what you want?

I built my business from scratch to approx. $200 million in assets under management with at least half of my clients being men. What is also interesting is that after 25 years in business, I sold my practice to two men. It’s interesting that it now takes two men to manage what I was running on my own.

Find me at: http://www.aboveallelse.org

1 comment

  • A

    Nancy – your title is so telling. Love this story! You are a true testament to what we can do when we put our minds towards making it happen.

    Thank you for sharing with us and for making your knowledge available to others through your newsletter and speaking engagements!

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