MJ Teaches Her Daughter that She Can Do Anything, Including Fencing

When I was in college my fencing instructor told me no female had ever passed his class.  He made sure I didn’t, too.  I signed my daughter up to a fencing class when she was almost 4.  She LOVED it.  Then she took to rock climbing…I made sure to teach her that there is NOTHING girls can’t do- if they really want to.



  • OMG OMG OMG!!!! i have always wanted 2 liike learn how 2 hold a sword and ur daugghter did that…that is like so totally AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!:d:d:d:d

  • A

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing that. I can totally relate! I make sure my girls know they can do and be anything they want to be as well.

    PS – Fencing and rock climbing have both been recently requested designs. Look for them in 2009! :)>-

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