Anna Was Told Girls Can’t Play Football

A few months ago, my friend and I wanted to sign up for freshman football because it’s an amazing sport and we believe ANYONE can play it. Our teacher saw us signing up and he was like, “You guys can’t sign up. Girls can’t play football.”

We were very offended, because OBVIOUSLY girls can do anything guys can, and do it better. We have been having a war with him every since, telling him daily that girl athletes are better than guys. it’s great.


  • heyy girl.. trust me girls can play football.but ur teacher prob doesnt want u to get hurt can if u get hit the breast it could hurt but dont worry we would be fine. just look for an all girls team. then no guys can say no to us playing =D ;)

  • A

    Anna – if you truly want to play, you should check to see if your school has any rules prohibiting you from playing. ;)

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