Ice’es Can Lift More Than The Boys

Ice'esOnce again, it’s me, Ice’es. Well, along with playing football and throwing shot put, I’m also a good weightlifter. I love to bench press and lift weights. I have a weightlifting class and not only do I lift more than every girl I also lift more than half of the boys. The girls always look at me in awe and say stuff like, “Wow, she’s throwing up 120 like its nothing.” I laugh.

A lot of people don’t think females should be physically strong and like to lift weights, but I do. It gives you a sense of accomplishment that says, “I am woman, hear me roar!”


  • Railroading Woman

    YOU GO GIRL!! :) I have always wanted to try it, but I have always thought that its only for men, but you are inspiration! ^^ ^^ :) :)

  • A

    That’s awesome. You are a great inspiration and you have a rockin’ smile. :)

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