Weekly Challenge: Spread the Word to End the Word

Every Sunday as I step on the platform at my church to play drums, I am greeted without fail by two mentally challenged adults who sit in the same 3rd row pew every week.  They are always bright and cheery and even when I’m preoccupied with the song list or thinking about a tempo change, they do not hesitate to wave wildly and yell “Hi Gretchen”, waiting eagerly for me to smile and wave back.  It’s a simple act, really, but it’s something most of us “normal” adults fail miserably at – consistently showing love and respect for others.

Sometimes I think we have it backwards.  Sure – can do a lot of things faster and easier than those with disabilities, but I guarantee if we were to compete based on love, affection and true respect, I would lose hands down.  They can out-hug, out-smile and out-love every one of us any day of the week.  How’s that for a Super Power?

Today I am supporting Special Olympics: Spread the Word to End the Word, and I am taking the R-word pledge to not use the word “retard” as a put-down.  You can take the pledge as well.  It only takes a few seconds to sign it.   In fact, it’s such a simple act but requires us to really think before we speak so I’m making it the challenge for this week.  Who will join me?


  • Lori Smith

    Gretchen –

    I actually saw one of the actors off of Scrubs, can’t think of his name (Dr. Cox). His son is mentally challenged and this past year while at a Special Olympics function he asked the participants what bothered them most, and it was the use of the word retard. This is where the whole movement started.

    Kudos for you for using your platform to further this cause.


  • Awesome. :)


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