And yes, girls can be mechanics too!

Mechanic GirlI’m a 16 year old girl who lives in a small town. Our guys don’t think we can play football, baseball, or be a mechanic. I hate to burst their bubble but a girl can do anything they want!

I’m a mechanic and proud of it! All the guys think a girl couldn’t possible work on cars because they are affraid to get a little grease on em or worried about chippin a nail! Well this girl is always covered in grease and I could probaly out do them when it comes down to the wire!

I get told all the time girls aren’t suppost to be mechanics they are suppost to be in the kitchen cookin our supper! No! It don’t work like that. I’m gonna work on my cars and I’m not gonna let them tear me down!

Not all girls are cut out to be house wifes, me bein one of em! I go out and fix my cars up to drag race… yes I said drag race! It blows guys away to see a girl line up in a car that she fixed up! I mean come on what’s the deal!

There aren’t many differences in males and females but they think they can do everything and girls are just supposted to be their cheerleaders in short skirts! But I’m hear to tell you I enjoy hearing those comments cause I’m just gonna show ’em that girls can do what they want! If you’ve had a guy tell you you can’t do something cause your a girl you know how it feels!

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