Meyers, Krystal (Quotes)

“I am a 16-year-old girl who loves God and who stands up for “anticonformity” says rock artist Krystal Meyers. “I’ve chosen to find my identity in God instead of society. There are too many people doing what they shouldn’t, and I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to bow down to those pressures so I’m not going to.”

“I’m a teenager myself, so I will be able to talk to kids on levels that a twenty-four-year old can’t,” says Krystal, discussing the impact of her message. “All teenagers including myself can be rebellious at times and say, ‘You don’t know anything!’ Well, I am a teenager so I’m talking a language that other teens will be able to understand.”

“They were the cool kids – the musicians, the skateboarders – and they were really into drugs,” recalls Krystal. “They’d ask me if I wanted to light up after school, and I’d let them know I don’t do that stuff. I respected my relationship with God, my parents and myself too much to do that. They knew I was a Christian, and they accepted me for that. Even though our lifestyles were different, they respected that I stood up for my values, and I know it made them rethink theirs.”

“I want to encourage people to be the real person God wants them to be instead of who society thinks they should be,” says Krystal. “I hope my audience will connect with my own experiences through the songs I’ve written to better understand who God is and the plan he has for each of us.”

1 comment

  • K.M Inspires me to be true to my heart and to give good worthy advice. She motivates me to do what I do best, which is making songs, and I thank her for leading me to the right path. I believe in God!!

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