My sister sent me to a breaking news story where British Police are seeking to prosecute their first case of female genital mutilation. This is a growing problem in the UK where at least one specialist reports treating 400-500 women every year, mostly first-generation immigrants from Africa and the Middle East where this unsanitary and scarring practice is considered part of their culture.
Arranging or carrying out the procedure ” in Britain or abroad ” is a criminal offense punishable by up to 14 years in prison, but no one has been prosecuted since it was banned under British law in 2003, Jeffrey said. Police estimate up to 66,000 girls in Britain face the risk of genital mutilation.
I will be the first to admit this step by the British government probably won’t solve anything or even honestly deter anyone, but it is at least making news and getting the attention of the people. The only true way to end this problem is through education.
Wow – that was a great link, Kristen. Thanks.
Thought you might be interested to read what another blogger had to say about it. Horrifying and informative.
Paula The Surf Mom
It was outlawed in Egypt just this week as well.
Horrific. It is so sad that basic human rights (such as the right to keep one’s own body in tact the way God MADE it) are being denied to so many. :(