Women can’t pack, it says so on the box

Stuff like this always amuses me. I really start wondering things like… Who created this? Who approved it? Who else signed off on it? Was there really not a single woman in the entire design and manufacturing process that didn’t notice the blatant sexism here?

Picture 1

Mr. Packer? Really?

It’s seems interesting to me that when my friends move, the women do most of the packing. That may not be true in all cases, but I think if there were an actual survey on who does the majority of the packing… it’s probably not the men.

Have you seen any other crazy images like this one recently?  Let me know!

Thanks to my friend Angeline for posting this to Facebook.


  • I feel so empowered now that I read this. Girls can’t stop whining about things.

  • No no, that’s not it at all. Look at how entirely stupid those directions are. Hold flaps down to make easier to pack? Duh. They just assumed Ms. Packers would know that.

  • A

    I really have no room to talk – I am usually the last one to bother with instructions. ;)

  • We do eventually get around to reading the instructions once we’ve located the documentation we threw away when we opened the box or whatever.

  • A

    So men need the instructions, but fail to read them. ;)

  • Look at it from another point of view. Maybe the manufacturer assumes women are smarter than men and do not need instructions for a simple task such as this. And knows that men, whether the instructions are tailored to them or not, will not bother to read them anyway.

  • A

    Could be. I would just refuse to do the work until “Mr. Packer” appeared to complete his duties.

  • This could very well have been made in a foreign country. Who calls someone “Mr. Packer??”

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