Create Your Own Job

Spinning the wheel of randomness, today’s verbage turns out to be:

“The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune. It is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.” ~ Amelia Earhardt

I think we have two good lessons going on in this one…First, you have the notion that a woman who creates her own job will have success and then you have the sound advice that it’s easier to start something rather than to finish it. I think I’m going to focus on the success part of that quote today, specifically on the “creating her own job” line.

I think we need to dig a little deeper on this one and not take it at face value because not every woman is going to create her own job and be her own boss. Does that make Amelia’s statement irrelevant? Not at all. The actual job doesn’t matter. Taking the job and making it your own is what brings success to the table. When you put yourself, your talents and abilities into the work, you create something that is yours and yours alone. No one else can bring that exact same set of features into play. You can accept a position and do the same duties as the person before you, or you can accept the position and put your own spin on it. The woman who can take a job or a project and make it fresh is the woman who will succeed.

So whose mold do you need to break out of today?

1 comment

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