A Simple Response to Negativity

Ever been in one of those awkward situations where someone makes a derogatory statement about someone or something that you are passionate about?  You know you want to speak up but you don’t quite know what to say, and remaining silent might mean you are in agreement.  I have a solution.

It’s easy.

Two letters….

Just say “So?”

Yup – that’s it. That one simple word shifts the responsibility of owning the statement back over to the person who made it.  Their reaction will be to justify their words.  When they can’t do it or realize how ridiculous it sounds to you regardless of whether it is true or not, you win.  And you win without arguing, making a case or holding a discussion.

So the next time someone says to you “I can’t stand so-and-so because she’s always _______.”  Just say “So?” and make them own their words.  You can say it nicely, sarcastically or any way you want to say it.  It works.  Try it. ;)


  • A

    That’s exactly right Cheryl. Make them explain themselves. ;)

  • It seems that saying sooooooo…..? as a question would also make the person explain themselves. Most of the time the explanations are pretty lame once they are in the open even to the person giving them.

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