I am Alyssa and I am very small but have a big dream…. I want to be a lawyer. I have my mind set. I watch a bunch of shows like CSI and law and order. Then when we had to write a report of what we want to be when we grew up I wrote about being a lawyer and then my friend Johnny said that’s stupid only guys can be lawyers! I said “girls are just as good as guys smart and strong” does any one have any advice because now I am confused and proves GIRLS CAN BE LAWYERS!!

1 comment
Alyssa – girls can be anything they want to be, including a lawyer. In fact, there are a lot more owmen practicing law today than ever before. My suggestion to you is to seek out some women role models who are doing what you want to do. They could be local detectives or high-profile attorneys – it doesn’t matter their status. Read about them, interview them or try to find out more about them and how they got started in their careers. If you are in high school, start considering which colleges you will want to attend and begin researching all the steps you will need to follow to get your degree and pass all the exams to get your licensing. It would also be very beneficial to find a few other girls in your area that are pursuing the same field. You could study together and learn from each other.
Whatever you do, don’t listen to people who say you can’t do it. People who say that are only speaking for themselves because they believe that. If you believe you can do it, then there is no doubt in my mind that you will. :)>-