Amanda Was Told Girls Can’t Play Football

A couple of weeks ago my history teacher posted the sign-up for freshmen football outside of his classroom. I asked him for a pencil so I could sign up, I was just kidding, because my parents would never let me play football.  He responded with “girls can’t play football.” I yelled back that girls can do whatever they set their mind to. He told me that he agrees, but he thinks that girls shouldn’t play football.

I now realize he only said that, because he doesn’t want girls to get hurt playing football. I still believe that a girl can play football if she wants to!!


  • I’m joining football this year I’m in 7th grade and am very excited to join I was told the same thing by the coach and when I asked why he said its an all-boys team no girls allowed. I went to the principal and found other girls who wanted to jin had also been rejected and we all went to see him and he said that if we could prove ourselves worthy that we could join.

  • Thank you Gretchen. I love this site by the way. Also Scott I don’t think you sound sexist or are but at least give the girls that deserve it a chance. Not all girls are tiny or small but you are right that the magority is. There are a few girls at my school including me that are no sticks but not fat. I just say give the ones that deserve it a chance but not the ones that will scream if the thing comes near them cuz that’s annoying

  • Of COURSE they can play football. I myself have, and in fact dominated on the field (not being arrogant about it. simply confident and truthful).

    I played QB on my 5th grade team, as well as other offense positions, and at times safety on defense. I absolutely loved the sport – that is, until I moved and the new school, though they allowed me to join, ruined the sport for me. Sexist, sexist, sexist.

    However, I continued to strive, and do exceptionally well in gym class, enough to earn myself a name. What drives me nuts is when girls get the ball, and the moment someone is close, they just throw it into the air – now, come on. They make us all look bad. And while this can be interesting at times, as you’re just “the girl” and no one excepts you to pwn at the game, it’s still a huge set back in equality.

    Just because the girls you see stand in the middle of the field twirling their hair and gossiping with their friends cant play, doesn’t mean there are those who aren’t good at it and don’t stand there looking stupid. :/

  • In 5th grade, we had seperate P.E. classes. Boys gym, and Girls gym. I thought it was stupid as heck. I was friends with alot of the boys, so I would ask them what they do in Boys gym. They would always say they did something really fun and athletic. In girls gym we would always do something stupid, like dance, or stretch. I REFUSED to do most of it. On Fridays, both gyms would play dodge ball, which was very fun. Our Language arts teacher would always play dodge ball with the boys, but not the girls. Lots of girls would ask her why, and she’d say something like, “Boys can really play dodgeball.” or “Girls arent aggressive” I think Girls should be treated like boys, cause were both human.

  • i asked my dad three times can i play basesball he laughed. i asked my mom two times can i play football she said ” girls cant play football” i look up at my school webasite and it says BOYS football BOYS baseball. What should i do

    • A

      Just because it says boys, doesn’t mean you can’t play. I joined the “boys” basketball team in the 6th grade because there wasn’t a girls team at the time. If there isn’t a girls team, then you should be able to join the boys team. Check with your school administration. ;)

  • I hate being a girl because I dont get to play Foootball

    • A

      You don’t need to hate being a girl. Hate the fact that there is stil a stereotype that girls can’t play football. And then go out and find a league that will let you play. ;)

  • briyonna

    my cousin plays football and shes a girl but i live in florida where u cant

  • i played football for almost 4 year, i was good, started every practice. then when game time came around i never got to play a secound. i told the coach’s and they said they fix it but still game after game i was not put in at all. even when the guy in my position was hurt they put someone else in. it was so bad that it was either get a lawyer or quit. i decidede to quit, i didnt want to look like i was forcing them to play me. but now i miss it like crazy, i cant even watch it anymore,i dont know what to do it has been a year without it and i am dieing inside. i play softball but it isnt even close to football. can anyone help me i want to play again but i am in college, and to young to play the girls teams. i am thinking about playing for college but i am scared, i dont want to have to fight about it anymore but i cant live without it.

  • im playing football and im the only grl.. the coach was nice they were all nice but the line coach didnt let me try practicing line with the way bigger guys:( i want to quit so much but i wnt to prove everyone that im a grl tha can do anything a strong guy can so im not gonna qiut!! :) wish me luck everyone plzz im gonna need it!:))

  • hgirls r superior 2 boys…ohh srry srry girls r d best..they can play as gud as boys..u can take a competition….k any ways..all those who posted comments..nice guys…

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