Amy is a Firefighter

Hey, my name is Amy, I live in western Kentucky. Just stoppin’ in to say a lil about my story. I’m 15 years old and been on the fire department since December 12, 2006. I love what I do, but sometimes feel that I’m not respected as much because I’m a girl. Even when my little brother joined this past February, my dad, the training officer, started showing more interest in him. He seemed to be wanting to take him on more fire runs, and let me sleep if I was asleep, or if he seen me comin’ down the road or gettin’ off the bus, he would just leave me to ride slowly with no lights or sirens with my mom. And I was far more experienced than my brother, almost 2 or 3 years more.

1 comment

  • A

    Amy – don’t get discouraged. Maybe your dad thinks your brother needs more help right now. Also – is firefighting what you want to do as a full-time career? If so, tell your dad and let him know how serious you are about it. :)>-

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