Amy Wanted to Mow the Lawn

When I was a kid I wanted very badly for some reason to help my dad mow the lawn.  We had an old push mower, and my dad thought that I wouldn’t have the hand strength to hold the handle things together to make it go (I’m sure he was right).  He never said or really even implied that it was because I’m a girl, but it did later become my brother’s chore.

Don’t get me wrong, my dad is not at all a sexist guy, nobody has been more supportive of me my whole life, and he is always 100% respectful of my mom, my sister and me.  That is just the one instance that came to mind when I read the question posed.  To this day, I’ve never mowed a lawn, though I no longer feel the urge, either!

1 comment

  • A

    I remember the first time I mowed the lawn with a push mower. I was determined to do it and yeah it took a lot of effort to hold those two bars together. I was only about 10 or 11 tho and barely tall enough to see over the handle! Fortunately I only had to trim around things and not mow the entire lawn. #:-s

    It did get easier as I got older and bigger. Mowing was frequently my chore since I was the oldest and didn’t have any brothers. My husband does it now, but I have done the mowing a few times when he’s been out of town.

    Thanks for sharing.

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