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This past Sunday, Danica Patrick went down in the history books as the first woman to claim the pole position for the Daytona 500. We all knew she could do it. And it’s about time the amazing women race car drivers get to share the spotlight.
I caught some of the interviews with Danica that aired shortly after her time trials and subsequent announcement of securing the pole position. I loved her attitude and especially her awareness of what a role model she is for kids.
In one interview Danica said “I’ve heard stories about a kid, a boy or a girl, saying, ‘But mommy, daddy. That’s a girl that’s out there racing.’ And then they can have that conversation to say, ‘You can do anything you want to do and gender doesn’t matter.’ Your passion is what matters. And that’s cool.”
That there is a quotable. And so I made one. Enjoy!
Girls Can’t WHAT? Race Car Driver Gifts!
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1 comment
Sarah Park
Kudos to Danica for once again proving that gender doesn’t matter as long as you love what you are doing. May it be for sports that men dominate.