Angie’s Band Teacher Said Girls Can’t Carry Drums

In my school 6th grade was when we decided what instruments we were going to play for the rest of our school career. The band teacher took each one of us aside individually to ask us what we wanted to play. I had known for years that I wanted to play drums and told him my answer immediately. He told me that girls couldn’t play drums because they weren’t strong enough to carry them while marching. He recommended a more “female friendly” instrument and I ended up playing clarinet for the next 6 years.

by Angie Bowen of Dissension


  • Veda Vandeventer

    I play the clarinet now and im in 6th grade. At my school they let girls play the drums my bffl plays the drums!

  • A

    We also have an electronic set here at home for jam sessions and so I can practice without disturbing the neighbors, but that won’t do you much good unless you know how to play already. Rock Band is really good for teaching the basic coordination and learning some fun beats. It would definitely be a good place to start. :)>-

  • Angie Bowen

    Thanks Gretchen! I have thought about playing now, I’m just lacking the room for a set. But the Rock Band idea sounds good, I think I can make room in my tiny packed studio for that lol.

  • A

    Angie – I feel your pain. However – it’s not too late to start. And this may sound a little crazy, but if you have a game system, start playing Rock Band. I’m serious. My kids have been playing Rock Band for several weeks now and they can sit down at my drum set and pound out beats that they learned from the game. It’s pretty amazing. Give it a shot! b-)

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