Ann Dunwoody is First Female Four-Star General

Check out the headlines…Ann Dunwoody made women’s history today by becoming the first woman four-star general after a 33-year career in the Army.  During her promotion ceremony, Ann quips:

“There is no one more surprised than I — except, of course, my husband. You know what they say, `Behind every successful woman there is an astonished man.’ “

Can anyone get me in touch with Ann?  I’d like to send her a T-shirt.  ;)


  • $20 says she is hiding a penis in her army outfit.
    Also you know when the first male 4 star general was?
    During the American Revolution way to be 230 years late.

  • If you are a sexist pig, stay off sites like this. It’s the mind and skill of a person that makes a good leader of EITHER sex not the plumbing! Fortunately, people that think like you (charles & webslave..) are a dying breed!

  • A

    @charles – get out of the stone ages /:)

    @webslave – your comment makes no sense. And why on earth does having a career in the military mean a woman wants to be like a man. :-w

  • Or as I would normally say, any woman who wants to be like a man lacks ambition.

  • Woman shall not be leaders of men.


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