Book Review: For Young Women Only

For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys ThinkHave you ever wondered what a guy was thinking? What is going through his mind when he has that look on his face? If these are questions you want answered, pick up a copy of this new book For Young Women Only and get ready for an eye-opening look into the hearts and minds of the opposite sex.

Authors Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice went straight to the source, interviewing guys aged 15 through 20 on their thoughts and experiences with dating and relationships with girls. To make sure the results are as accurate as possible, research was gathered by several experts who traveled across the country to conduct a scientific test. For Young Women Only covers a variety of topics from friendship to sex. The guys’ answers are remarkably honest and straight-forward and many of their responses are surprising. The reader is given a clear insight into the minds of young men and each subject in For Young Women Only is followed by practical advice and tips for the girls on everything from fashion to attitudes.
Some topics covered in this book:

  • Your Love is Not Enough: You Mean He Wants My Respect More Than My Love?
  • Keeper of the Photo Files: What “Guys are Visual” Really Means…and What It Means for You
  • Body Language: His Physical Desires = Emotional Consequences for Both of You
  • Words for Your Heart: What Guys REALLY Want To Tell You

This book is fresh and relevant for today’s teenage girl. And as a mother of two young girls, I found that this book is a must-read for both parents as well. My oldest daughter is just starting into the “why can’t I wear this?” and “that boy is mean to me” phase. After reading For Young Women Only, I am now armed with information I can use to guide my daughter to make good choices. When she hits her teens, you can bet I will put a copy of this book in her hands. For Young Women Only is a valuable resource for young girls, teaching them how to be themselves without compromise.

I have two additional copies of For Young Women Only up for grabs. I will send this book to the first two people to comment and request a copy. Do NOT post your contact information. I will retrieve those details from you via email. :)

Shaunti Feldhahn is also the author of the 2004 best-selling book For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men, a fantastic book about what men are thinking.


  • A

    Sorry – I’m all out of the books. :(

  • I have a sister in high school.
    Could you send me a book if you have one?

  • A

    Alice – I think a teenage girl would enjoy this book a lot. It is written for teens and it is totally on their level. ;)

  • Is this something that will draw a young girl to read? My teen is into reading but some things are just to boring and over her head to keep her attention.

  • CyberCelt

    I could not help but think about the Blue Collar Comedy tour. What are men thinking? “I want a beer and to see something naked.” LOL

    Here from BCs

  • For young women only ? OK I just turn my birthdate around and will now be 36 (is that still young enough ??) why do you read a book ? You have been a Teenager too and should know how you felt at that time. Of course the lifestyle changes with each generation, but the feelings remain the same. I had a boy to raise that was much more difficult, because I haven’t been a young boy ! But I have learned a lot with him.

  • A

    You can borrow it when Trina returns it to me. ;)   Actually, you might be more interested in her other book called “For Women Only” (see link above).

  • Ah, you finally read it!! Now I suppose I need to. :P But you don’t have to give me a copy…I can just borrow yours! *grins*
    I think this book would come in handy. What age group of men would you say this is a good sampling of? JUST teenagers, or older as well?

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