Boys Challenged Anna and Her Friends…And Lost

Hi! At my school, many of the boys in my class say (not only to me but to ALL the girls) that we can’t do sports well because we’re girls. One day in gym class (P.E), we were allowed to vote on what sport we were going to play. Of course, we ended up playing soccer. Why? Because I go to a Greek school in Canada (I’m not specifying where), and every boy’s life is either revolving around hockey or soccer. Anyways, every boy was voting to play girls vs. boys. While that was happening, I heard one of those boys saying exactly this, ” We’re gonna beat them so bad they’ll be crying.” That made me and my best friends go CRAZY! We had a big fight with them and

I also have another story. I  recently broke my leg in three places, and removed my third cast in November 2008 and started taking physical-therapy classes. If you’re wondering, I broke my leg on one of those professional trampolines on August 6, 2008, to be exact. ( I even had a concussion and went unconscious in September 2007). Anyways, all the boys in my class were making fun of me saying that I couldn’t walk or that I was crippled and wouldn’t be as strong as them. I told them off, with my BFFS. Thanks for listening to my awfully long story!


  • guys do that to me and my friends all the time, at the start of the year girls weren’t even allowed on the field!
    but then in gym the girls got like 6 goals and the guys got 7 so we were allowed to play!!!!
    you go girl!!!:d

  • OH YEAH!!! I totally agree. That happens to me all the time at school, and i always yell at them and give them crap. But they are always “whats up with that” so you go and give em crap! I am behind you all the way.^:)^

  • Ur a STAR just like us all on Girls Can’t We can beat those boys in the world any day! :)>-Peace!!

  • WOW Anna you are really brave to stand up to the boys like that.I did that and my friends and I won.
    GIRL POWER!!!:]

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