Brianna Determined to Be A Fire Fighter

Hi – I’m a firefighter and a lot of guys didn’t believe that I could do it because I am a girl and I am tiny. So I was determined that I was going to prove them wrong.

I joined the vol. fire co. in 2004 and went through fire school. In 2005 I became Safety Officer and now they just moved me up to 2nd Lieutenant. Which I am in charge of the one truck and have to check over it after every call or if no calls then once a week.

My truck is the first one out to every call. I love driving the truck and to see the way that people look at you and what people say when they see a girl driving a big fire truck.

Don’t ever let anyone tell u that u can’t to something. Try it first and give it your all!!!!!


  • Courtney Mills

    and what i also ment to ask is do u have any advice for me
    Thanks Courtney Junior Firefighter at 14 :”>

  • Courtney Mills

    i wanna become a full time firefighter i am juior right now in my department which is fine with me becuase it gives me experince before i go to fire school:d/:)>-

  • A

    Way to go Brianna! You’re a great role model to the girls in your community and here on this site. Thanks for sharing your story. :)

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