When you think of bull riding you think of strong, athletic men. Well men aren’t just the only ones that bull ride. I know a few girl bull riders. Being a BULL RIDER you have to be strong. When my parents told me when I get on a bull it’ll put a new meaning cowboy/girl in my vocabulary. It’s true. But you have to have a strong heart also, most of the bull riders think that guys are the only ones that can. but thats not true at all. I am better than some of the guys and that apparently doesn’t look good for some of the guys because they don’t want to be known as the guy who got beat by a girl at bull riding! I love it, it is soooo much fun!
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I am doing an assignment on Ethical Issues in sports and i have chosen to talk about gender inequality in PBR/NRA. I really wanted to choose Bull Riding as my chosen sport to talk about because my 3 older brothers compete in PBR Australia but i cannot. My name is Cate Bakker and i can’t join my brothers because of the NRA age restrictions. “Girls over the age of 15 are not permitted to bull ride.” Their reasons are all the same. Saying that it is unsafe and dangerous for a girl because the bulls are bigger as the age categories get older and that we are considered fragile. I used to compete in the under 15 male and female amateur category and would receive better scores than some of the boys. I am not in any way saying that i was good haha but the lack of opportunity creates boundaries as well as less girls riding. My question for you all is ‘Have you experienced gender Inequality in Rodeo?’ and ‘Do you think the NRA should add female categories of higher age groups so that we can compete too?” Your replies – if you don’t mind will go into my Assignment as data.
Wanting to learn to ride bulls just don’t know where to start the process.
So I’ve been wanting to be a bull rider or having to do something with a rodeo. I’ve always loved them but I can’t find any place near me.
Hannah Renfrow
I’ve been riding bulls for 7 years. I’m a 25 year old female. Let R Buck bull riding school is the best place to go. Great instructors, bulls, and all the gear you need. Anyone will take your money to Let you ride, but Let R Buck treats you like family where you’re not just a number or another dollar. They’ve relocated down to southern VA on an awesome ranch. Check out cnobull2tuff.com for more info and how to contact them:)
Brandie Recar
Would love more information! Find me on Facebook Brandie R Recar
My daughter is a female bull rider, needs training and information on competing with other females
Hello, I leave in a small town in east Tennessee called Clinton. I have gotten interested in bull ridding when the fair had come to town. They had brought with them a mechanical bull and I went ballistic it was 5 dallors a try and I spent 15 -20 I got better and better lasting 1 min every time. Woke up the next morning bruised and swollen in my hand but now I have a hunger for it but since then I have been self teaching bull ridding learning from my mistakes. I’ve taken my chances too ride a real one when I can. Boys at that fair thought I was crazy lol but who doesn’t love a thrill.
Hello, I have been thing of becoming a bull rider I have never rode a bull before but that doesn’t stop me there my parents want me to do sports so I do bowling and shot put for school sports. I don’t feel scared to ride a bull I have saw how it’s done and it doesn’t make me scared on what can happen if I get hurt I get up and try again I am very competitive.
Tamrah Davis
don’t let guys tell you you can’t! i wanted to bull ride and barrel race and my dad wouldn’t let me couse i’m a girl! girls r no different from guys and we can do everythin we can! thats the worst thing a guy can say is you can’t do it bc your a girl… well thats when we stand up and prove them wrong! gurls do what you want and don’t let a guy throw you down cause they think they r the only ones who can do somethin!
Okay so I ride bulls to it is a lot of fun. Me and a lot of other females arond here ride! I love it! I dot think I will stop riding for a while!
im 17 years old and i got a interview fro the PBR:) i love bullriding its in my blood!!
where would a girl from Iowa go to get started in bull riding?