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An Internal Flame for Firefighting
October 3, 2011
It's been my dream since before I even knew what dreams really were... and that dream was firefighting. Being the…
I Can Ride Just as Hard as the Boys!
September 8, 2011
My name is Jessica Patterson, and I am currently the defending AMA Women's National Motocross Champion, riding for the DNA…
Girls can’t play baseball!?!
September 5, 2011
When I was younger, I wanted to play baseball, you know, with the guys. My mom said that she wanted…
Fuerzabruta-Learning to Fly
September 2, 2011
In early 2000, I saw a show called De La Guarda. It blew my mind. I saw it five times…
Judged for Who You’re Not on the Football Field
August 26, 2011
I was getting bored with academic things, being in every co-curricular activity and being stuck with exceptionally easy work in…
I’ll be a scientist, thank you
August 24, 2011
I realize life has changed somewhat since my school days and situations like mine aren't very common right now. Still,…
Racing is in my blood.
August 22, 2011
Hello, My name is Sam Williams, Im 15 years old and a Female Race car driver! I started Racing when…
Why do people laugh when I tell them I’m going to be a firefighter?
August 18, 2011
I am a 17 year old high school student and my dream is to become a firefighter. I've been working…
Hockey Girl with the Right Attitude
August 9, 2011
People say that girls can’t play hockey and we are bad at playing. I play hockey with a bunch of…
I play football… with guys
August 2, 2011
I live in Mexico City with my parents and I've always been ...odd. My mom always wanted to have like…