Challenge: Change a life for $25

Just a quick note to say thanks for helping Girls Can’t WHAT? help other women business owners reach their goals and make a difference in the lives of those around them.  Girls Can’t WHAT? gives 20% of all profits to help women in need and our 2010 holiday sales were off the charts.  This means we were able to give even more money to women entrepreneurs through KIVA.

Even though our sales are booming, Girls Can’t WHAT? recognizes that we could do so much more if we all join together.  That’s why we’ve kicked off our very own lending team at KIVA! Joining is easy and you can loan as much or as little as you like.  When the money is repaid, you are free to reinvest in someone new or withdraw your funds. It’s a great way to help others help themselves and keep a tally on what we can do as a like-minded group.

By participating in micro-lending through KIVA, we give women entrepreneurs from all over the world an opportunity to expand their business, improve their lives, their living conditions, their families and their education.  We loan the money, they invest it and pay us back.  It’s that simple and everyone wins!

Join the Girls Can’t WHAT? lending team and help us change the world one loan at a time.

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