Fitness Team of Mommas!

252421_2058338093985_1110615584_32521145_1613483_nWe are are team of moms that do as many fitness events as we can! We want to be great role models for our daughters and communities. We have done several races/bike events, Marathon, half and adventure races and are planning a Triathlon soon! Each of the events we do are for great charities and causes. There is 4 to 8 of us that do the races at least once a month! The main team is Traci Davis, Shannon Sweatt, Darnelle Peterson and Kasey Ables.

We all run for different reasons but the friendship is the main one! We love our weekends away to relax and give back. We try to do one event a month and all help each other stay motivated between events.

Our first event was a 10k mud run and was super fun and challenging all at the same time. But we did it and we all felt great! We had a lot of nay sayers when we decided to do a marathon December 2010 but we did it! It was a big challenge but we are proud of ourselves! We will continue to challenge ourselves with more events.

Check out our website and all it offers at There is more about each of us!

“The only courage you ever need is to live your heart’s desire.”

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  • Thanks so much for sharing our story!! Love it!! Team TKD!!

  • A

    What a great idea, Traci! I love it when moms can show that we can do so much more than just change diapers and take care of kids. You’re making a huge impact – not only in your community – but as a role model to your children. Thanks for sharing this!

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