GameChangers – Beat the BS

I was contacted by a Nike representative and also by a couple of Girls Can’t WHAT? readers about GameChangers.  Nike and Ashoka have co-partnered to host a competition around sport for social change… specifically, their mission with regards to the Gamechangers: Change the Game for Women in Sport Competition is to search the global community for the best and brightest ideas/innovations that improve access to sports for all women and use sport to empower women and girls.  Check out the competition at!

And check out this fantastic promotional video.  ;)


  • This is so stupid and tired. I wouldn’t expect something so lame from Nike.

  • A

    I thought it was very tongue-in-cheek and not offensive at all. That tagline is “beat the bs” and I think the video has to point out what the “bs” is in order to rally women to want to fight it. Not that we need to be reminded, but it was funny to see how absurd the culture was and still is in some respects towards what women can and cannot do.

  • Does anyone else find this extremely offensive? Why reinforce such stereotypes, haven’t women (at least in the western world) come further then this. If this were about race it would be totally unacceptable, regardless of the message in the end? Shame on Nike.

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