Georgie Wants To Join the Army

I am constantly degraded because I am a girl. the youngest child and only girl, I am ordered around in my own home because I’m a woman.  ‘Do the washing! Do the dishes! Clean the house and make me food’ are
my daily orders.

And my manager at work constantly teases I cant do things because I’m a woman. he says his teasing but he doesn’t fool anyone.  And my own dream job is a huge joke for my family – because I am a
woman.  So its not just one time that I’ve experienced sexism – its weekly.

I have always wanted to join the forces – the army. And though my family humors me, there’s no doubt in their minds that I will never achieve this job because I am female. Yes I am still heading towards my dream career and they are still disapproving. A few of my friends share their beliefs.


  • Don’t throw in the towel, Even though it’s hard. You have an amazing spirit, you haven’t given up yet and take a lot grief for trying to follow YOUR dreams, so i know you will make it. Their is goingto be people that don’t beleive in women everywere so hold your head high and be prowd of your self. When people see your confidence in yourself they will soon have confidence in you to. Greatest of luck.

  • A

    Georgie – don’t give up! I don’t know where you live, but joining the Army is not an impossible dream. I have lots of women friends who have joined the military and some of them are in it for life!

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