Girls Can Be Scientists

Scientist DesignAfter being hounded for months by my biology-nerd sister, I finally managed to whip up a scientist design.

When I think of women scientists, Madame Curie is the first person to pop into my head. I will have to use Google to see who else I can come up with. Aw heck, I’ll just email my sister, Ericka. She memorized the trivial pursuit cards when we were growing up, so she can probably name a few off the the top of her Einsteinian brain.

In all seriousness, women are not very prominent in the field of science. In fact, there are an increasing number of organizations forming to encourage women to choose this field as a career path. Organizations such as the Association for Women in Science (AWIS), Edinburgh Women’s Science Forum (EWSF), Committee on Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) and Women in Technology (WIT) serve to encourage women and to help them network and find satisfying careers. There is even a book in the works called “Where the Girls Aren’t” that discusses this very subject.

Oh and in case you are wondering what it says on her notepad, she is writing an essay called “Girls Can Be Scientists”. The text reads:

I think girls can be scientists because girls can do anything they set their mind to do.

The scientist design is available in a variety of t-shirts, hat, mugs, bags, magnets, posters, stickers and more. Check her out today in the Girls Can’t What? Shop!

Girls Can’t WHAT? Scientist Gifts!

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