Girls Can’t Graduate

Girls Can't WHAT? Graduate

As previously mentioned, education is a big part of being a Revolutionary. The great ladies of history who have propelled women’s rights to where they are today were adamant that education be a part of every girl’s life. Today, more women are graduating with degrees in higher learning, but still not everyone has an equal opportunity to attend a university or even graduate from high school. Oftentimes, women are found graduating from college later in life after the kids are raised.

This Girls Can’t WHAT? Graduate represents sisters, moms, grandmothers, aunts and every woman who has risen to the challenge and completed a course of education to help fulfill their dream.  Who says girls can’t earn a degree?


This design currently comes in red, blue and green gowns.

Girls Can’t WHAT? Graduation Gifts!

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Click Here To See All Graduation Gifts


  • A

    Thanks – I’m glad the site revamp is almost complete and I can focus on drawing more. I miss it when I don’t do it every week!

  • Love the designs. Girls can do anything! As always, I’m constantly motivated by this site. It’s great!!

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