Girls can’t play football?

When I was younger I played flag football. My teammates really did not like having me be on the team. I played center and noise tackle. Why you ask? The boys felt that I would mess up any other position. During games the other team would tell the smallest boy on their team “Go block the girl” I was not veiwed as equal or a threat in anyway.

I will never forget the day I scored my first touch down though…

The score was tied and my team had the ball. I was in as center, and it was planned for everyone to go into the endzone, except me, I was to be the “safety valve” which is football terms for “stay out of everyone’s way you’re not getting the ball”. All the other players were being defended, and our quarterback had no choice but the pass it to me. I caught it and ran in for the winning touchdown. The look on everyone’s faces was priceless.


  • A

    Good for you Molly! Sometimes it just pays to be patient and wait for your big moment to shine. Sounds like that strategy worked out in your favor. Best of luck in your future football career!

  • Audrey

    It’s unfortunate and sickens me that MTV has girls playing football in lingerie. I too loved playing football!

  • Rebecca Caguimbal

    I love this article! You go girl. My step daughter is determined at all that she does. Laset year she played football for the local team the salinas cardinals. She was thier quarterback and did a amazing job. I love that she worked hard to earn her spot. There was nothing more wonderful then hearing the crowd say , is that a girl.. she is awesome.. so on and on. Makes me proud and also love that girls CAN play football.

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