Girls Can’t Play Tennis

Girls Can't WHAT? Tennis DesignGrowing up I adored the game of tennis. We had no local organizations so I did my best to persuade friends to indulge me in a set or two and occasionally I could talk my mom or dad into riding our bikes down to the park to bat the ball around. During the late eighties and early nineties, I don’t think I missed a single match of Wimbledon.   I had a poster of Chris Evert on my bedroom wall and I knew the strengths and weaknesses of most of the women’s tennis players of that era.

We have Billy Jean King, Monica Seles, Steffi Graf, Martina Navratilova, Jennifer Capriati, Venus and Serena Williams among many others to thank for bringing women’s tennis to the level it is today. The Girls Can’t WHAT? Tennis design was created to honor their perseverance in this amazing sport.

I would love to hear your feedback and experiences with the game of tennis. What challenges have you faced and what did you do to rise above them? Please feel free to post your stories and share your experiences in the comments below or join us in the Girl Talk forums.

This Girls Can’t WHAT? Tennis Player design is now available on a variety of gifts and apparel in the Girls Can’t WHAT? Gift Shop. Check her out!

Girls Can’t WHAT? Tennis Gifts!

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