Girls Can’t WHAT? Be A Steer Rider

GCF09When I was 9 I rode my first steer in our local fair. I got 1st and won my first buckle. From then on all I wanted to do was ride rough stock.

It’s a struggle when people say you cant because you’re a girl. But the more they tell me that, the harder I work to be the best. It’s hard to ride when organizations such as YRA and TYRA wont let me ride because I’m a girl. That’s just sexist to me.

And when I do go to rodeos, most boys just look at me like I’m weird or something, but then I end up riding better than most of them. I will never give up and I will keep going so I can ride. I will fight with the organizations if I have to. I ride in local places right now.

Just remember don’t give up just because you’re a girl. Prove to the guys that we’re better than them.

Girls can do anything guys can, but we just do it better!


1 comment

  • A

    Good for you Tayler and thanks for sharing. That’s a fantastic photo, too!

    Best of luck in your rodeo career and keep us posted on how it’s going. :)

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