Girls Can’t Wrestle

Girls Can't WHAT? Wrestling DesignWrestling is not a sport I know much about. It’s been a popular design request here lately so I bumped it to the top of my list. :)

I attempted to Google up some good women’s wrestling resources to go along with this article and it was honestly a bit more challenging than I’d hoped. Seems trying to find info on “women’s wrestling” or “girls wrestling” can lead you to some…um…interesting sites to say the least. It’s too bad some people have to pervert a perfectly healthy sport like this, but sadly that’s the culture we live in.

That aside, I did locate some safe sites for women’s wrestling information:

I’m certain there have to be a lot more resources than just this, so I’m counting on you to fill in the gaps.   I’d also love to hear your stories and the challenges you have faced as a female wrestler.   Please share with us in the comments below.

The Girls Can’t WHAT? wrestling design is now available in the shop. Enjoy!

Girls Can’t WHAT? Wrestling Gifts!

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  • My daughter is at the ASICS/Vaughan 2012 Junior & Cadet National Championships in Fargo, North Dakota!! All the girls that are wrestling at this event are the top in their state. And they’re all a bunch of tough cookies!! They are awesome!! Go TEAM CALIFORNIA! Check out their matches on YouTube:

  • Im a girl wrestler and im going into high school next year to wrestle for my dad whos the coach. i guess wrestling is in my blood from my father and my grandfather. im my dads only daughter and its fun to bond with him over wrestling. i also act and my moms always helped me out with my lines and its cool to totally do a 180 and practice wrestling moves and cut weight with my dad. It’s really difficult to wrestle as a girl because when you get on the matt the only resource you have is your mind and your coach. Another thing thats hard for girls is cutting weight, we’ve been told to be happy with our bodies and weight and now we have to manipulate in a billion different ways. its difficult but i wouldn’t trade it for any other sport.

  • There are a few girls on my team (by that I mean a ratio of 17:1 boys to girls) but what really bugs me is that, as I found in football, most of them are just there because their boyfriend/crush is. It irks me because the way it’s set up, girls can only wrestle girls, but most of the other girls don’t even enjoy it that much – they just like to see their boyfriends show off. At least my school lets girls wrestle though. :D

  • a REAL wrestler

    You are total crap, you know nothing about wrestling

  • Great stuff! Love it. Yahoo trying to put women’s wrestling related stuff into the adult section is nothing new unfortunately…

  • Try my Yahoo group–lots of stuff about (real)
    female wrestlers.
    Yahoo keeps trying to put this in the Adult section–bizarre. Please ignore that.

  • A

    Thanks for the book recommendation, Emily! :)>-

  • Here is a book that I read about a girl who joins an all-boys wrestling team:

    It’s called “There’s a Girl in my Hammerlock” by Jerry Spinelli. It’s not a very high reading level, but it is an amusing book and a quick read with some inspiring moments.

    By the way, LOVE the t-shirts! I hope I can get one next year when I join the team!

  • I wrestle my sis all the time, does that count? Lol ! I put her in headlocks and wrap her body up with my legs and squeeze till she gives up

  • A

    Hi Emily! Sounds like you’re on the right path. Good luck with your goal and thanks for the link! :)>-


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