Grant, Amy (Quotes)

“You assess things differently. There’s less pom-pom waving and more appreciation about the fanfare of the things that are real. So it’s an exciting challenge to articulate faith at this point in the journey. But I think it’s important for me to continue trying.”

On her views after 25 years in the industry: “You do your best, you do all this stuff, but the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”

“Without black, no color has any depth. But if you mix black with everything, suddenly there’s shadow – no, not just shadow, but fullness. You’ve got to be willing to mix black into your palette if you want to create something that’s real.”

“To me, the human experience does involve a great deal of anguish. It’s joyful, but it’s bittersweet. I just think that’s life.”

“There’s a beauty to wisdom and experience that cannot be faked. It’s impossible to be mature without having lived.”

“I think that if my kids are completely convinced of God’s unfailing love for them, whether they fail or not, they’ll have confidence to persevere in life.”

“I love being with my children. They’re fascinating people.”

“I think for a woman, the hardest thing about growing old is becoming invisible. There’s something very front and center about being young.”

“I had the great advantage of a mother who used to tell me the most beautiful years of a woman’s life are ages 35 to 45.”

“For me, the backdrop of half the experiences of life includes music.”

“Depending on what day of the week it is and what time of the month it is, I’m a good friend or not a good friend. I’m more or less a good mom or not a good mom, more or less a good mate or not a good mate. That’s just life, whether or not you’re public.”

“But my experience is that people who have been through painful, difficult times are filled with compassion.”

“Anybody who’s ever gone through a hard time – any outsider’s perception, no matter how much information they’re given, they have no idea what the person’s life is like.”

“I’ve always believed in the experience of what music could bring…to me singing and to people listening, but it’s never really been about the famous part. There’s probably a part of me that didn’t ever really want those shoes.”

“In any circumstance where there’s competition going on what there can’t be is nurturing.”

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