If you’re reading this post via social media or through an RSS reader, please click through and check out the brand new design for the Girls Can’t WHAT? web site! As a web developer, I
am obsessed with creating new themes feel the need to update this site every couple of years.
I’ve been pondering the new theme for quite a while and I only had three criteria. It had to be bright, clean and show some attitude! I think this new design accomplishes all three goals. What do you think?
Why should you care?
This new theme launch actually goes a bit deeper than just a pretty new face. The navigation and search functions were redesigned to make it easier and faster to find specific items in the shop. With over 50,000 Girls Can’t WHAT? gift items now, it’s a bit like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes. I wanted to make it as easy as typing in a keyword and getting a custom list.
It’s more than just a shopping site…
Many of you already know I don’t do this for the money. At least not to line my personal pockets. Girls Can’t WHAT? profits are invested to empower women around the world.
Each month we are able to help people get better jobs, expand their education and live better lives. This new design brings that benefit to the forefront and you’ll be hearing more about that and about the Girls Can’t WHAT? lending team in the next few weeks.
We’re Pinterest Friendly!
Before I ever got my invite to Pinterest, I heard that many of my drawings were showing up on Pinterest. So cool – thank you to everyone that pinned my artwork to your boards! To once again make it easy, I have added a “pin it” icon to all my pages so you can quickly add any design or blog article to your boards with a single click. You can also follow Girls Can’t WHAT? on Pinterest.
What’s next?
With the launch of the new design under my belt, I’m ready to switch creative gears back into drawing new designs. I’ve accumulated quite a looooooong list of requests and I’m going to do my best to start working through them. I’m shooting for one new design a week so if you have any requests, now is good time to let me know!
Girls Can’t WHAT? has also teamed up with a few other folks to offer some sweet giveaways in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned for your chance to win some cool prizes. Catch Girls Can’t WHAT? on Facebook, Twitter or subscribe to the newsletter.
Are you the next winner?
If you’re on the mailing list, check your inbox for Girls Can’t WHAT? emails. Every month some lucky subscriber wins a free Girls Can’t WHAT? item with a design their choice. It could be you!
What did I miss?
Is there anything you would like to see on the site? I’m always open to suggestions. Shoot me an email or leave a comment and let’s talk!