Would you like to help a woman get out of debt, feed her family or pay for higher education? What if I told you it could be done without spending your own money? Would you take 10 minutes to make a difference in someone’s life?
Well it CAN be done without spending a dime and I will show you how. It only takes a few minutes of your time and there are NO strings attached. Read on…

Each month Girls Can’t WHAT? donates 20% of its profits to help women around the world improve their lives. For many of these women, the goal is simply to lead a life that doesn’t include worrying about where their family’s next meal will come from.
To date we have helped 117 women step closer to that goal. By lending these women just $25 each, they are able to meet financial goals that will allow them to improve their income, living space and education status.
We are able to do this through Kiva’s microlending program where we loan out $25 to individuals. As the loan is paid back, money can be withdrawn or reinvested to help others. Girls Can’t WHAT? reinvests all funds we lend and we’ve even put together our own lending team if you’d like to join us.
How can you help?
If you’ve never used KIVA before, I’d like you to consider this amazing offer to test drive it for free. For a limited time, you can get a free $25 loan to use at KIVA by clicking this link.
Seriously. Just click through and claim it. It’s yours.
Repaid funds from your free $25 are returned to KIVA, but you are welcome to add a loan or two of your own if you wish. I’d super appreciate it if you’d also join the Girls Can’t WHAT? team. I love this program and it will be fun to see just how big of an impact we can make as a team.
Will you take 10 minutes to make a difference in someone’s life?