He’s A Cold-Hearted Snake…

…And I almost looked into his eyes… Except he ducked back down into his hole before I could catch him. Quest and I were out for our daily neighborhood patrol today, and since the weather has been much warmer we decided to take the long route which goes alongside a cornfield for about 2 blocks. Just as we were approaching the field, I saw a little head bobbing up and down. It was small and black with the distinctive weave of a reptile and as soon as I got closer he disappeared. I hung around for a minute while Quest took care of his business at the fire hydrant on the other side of the road, but the cute little bugger never came back out of his hole. Yes, I said it was cute. I like snakes. Don’t you?

Water Snake Photo

I am not afraid of snakes. Here in Illinois, we have very few poisonous snakes and the ones we do have (the Copperhead, the Water Moccasin or “Cottonmouth” and the Timber Rattlesnake) reside mostly in counties farther south of here. Illinois is also home to the Massasauga or “Swamp Rattler” which lives in the extreme North end of the state. Actually, there are a couple of really nice Pygmy rattlers and a Bull Snake down the road from my house at the local nature museum. I drop in every so often to visit them.

Last year, while camping, I almost caught a common water snake while we were out fishing. My girls and I (and some friends who were with us at the time) spent about an hour chasing him from shore to shore in the cove, but I all I managed to get was the above photo. I did come within a foot of it before it slipped back into the lake. I am guessing it was about 18 inches in length. Very pretty snake.

Did I mention it was all girls chasing the snake? That’s right – all girls. The guys stayed on the bank and wouldn’t have anything to do with catching a snake. One of the guys even said he would go get back in his car if I brought it anywhere near him. What a chicken!

If you are wondering why I am so knowledgeable about snakes, my eighth grade research paper was on rattlesnakes and I think I read every snake book in the library while writing that paper. They just fascinate me and since I know how to spot them and tell if they are “good” or “bad” snakes, I am not afraid of them. That doesn’t mean I am not cautious. Snakes are still “wild” animals and should be treated as unpredictable. I don’t recommend grabbing the first snake you encounter and trying to play with it. Even a harmless little garter snake WILL BITE and it WILL HURT and you MAY BLEED. I’ve not experienced this first hand, but I’ve been around someone who did get bitten by a garter snake. A band-aid and some antiseptic fixed his finger up just fine. He cried like a baby, tho. What a sissy. ;))
On the flip side of this, I had a cousin who was very irresponsible. He was an experienced hunter who would often catch rattlesnakes and sell their skins. One day he had been drinking and happened upon a rather large rattler that would have made a nice pair of boots. Long story short… he survived but he lost two fingers and half of his thumb. Use your head and don’t try to catch snakes while under the influence. #-o

So ladies, how many of you are afraid of snakes? Or maybe the better question is WHY are you afraid of snakes. I am referring to the non-poisonous kind. Why is it that girls are so afraid of snakes? (or spiders for that matter but I’ll cover that topic on another day) I mean it does say in Genesis 3:15 “She will crush your head while you strike at her heel.”

One thing I think that makes girls more afraid is that they are more likely to be bitten by a snake. Yep, girls are more likely to be struck. Do you know why? Because snakes have no ears. They “hear” with their tongues. Snakes gauge the severity of the situation by the air around them. When girls see a snake, they scream and flail and make weird arm gestures as if they can just fly away from the snake. The snake isn’t watching the girl do the chicken dance and sticking it’s tongue out to mock her, the snake is feeling the air around itself which has gone from the peaceful calm of basking in the sun to tornado-like conditions brought on by some crazy chick who dared to wake it up.

Boys react just as stupidly, but without the wild gestures. Boys will approach the snake in a much calmer manner, more out of curiosity than fear. The snake will sense a potential predator, but will be less likely to strike because it is not quite as threatened. When a boy approaches, the air around the snake would be more like a strong breeze than the hurricane conditions girls create.

So this is the weekly poll question: Are you afraid of snakes and why?


  • I’m not a huge fan of snakes, mainly rattlers. I’m not afraid of them, I just don’t like them. Last summer I almost got bit by three rattlers and I didn’t do anything but not see them while wearing flip flops and shorts and stepping right next to them. My little brother found a little rattler in the HOUSE! We took a shovel and killed it, killed the other three babies that just ’bout bit me too. I won’t kill a snake unless it’s close to me. [-(

  • A

    Scott – tell your friend to be patient. I have a cousin who keeps several boa constrictors at his home and his wife is perfectly fine with them. I also have a female friend who has a small python and just recently married a guy who enjoys reptiles as well. There are plenty of girls out there that like snakes. Tell him to hang out at the reptile house at the zoo or the local veterinarian school – maybe he can hook up with the right girl there. ;)

  • Interesting story. I have a friend Mike who is seriously into reptiles and snakes. He’s had a difficult time finding dates because of his “friends” at home. He’s not a weird guy just an amateur herpetologist.

  • Gamergirl

    I like creepy crawly things.;;)

  • Gamergirl

    Snakes rule!!!! (except the dead ones at our bus stop) Mice are cool, too.

  • If you’re as smart as you think you are, you should probably get me something that ISN’T slimy, slithery OR creepy crawly. :))

    Did you catch that mouse yet?

    Who are you, Grizzly Adams? :D

  • A

    Good to know. Guess what I’m getting you for your birthday next year… ;)

  • Okay, I’ve actually touched a boa constrictor before. It was smooth–not what I expected, with beautiful scales that reflected the light in an almost hypnotic way.

    BUT…I am not a huge fan of snakes. I can see them in the zoo, and I often go into the reptile house and enjoy watching them, but do I want one for a pet, or do I want one slithering speedily in front of me while I’m out walking? Uh…no. :D

    I wouldn’t want one in my house, either. And if we’re talking spiders, I HAAAATE spiders. Hate them. I really can’t explain why, but they totally freak me out. A LOT. If I see one in my house, I am not the type who will try to “catch” it. I am a squasher. :D LOL

  • I’m not afraid of non-poisonous snakes. But I don’t touch them, anyway, because I don’t know much about them.

    With spiders it’s different. There aren’t poisonous spiders in Portugal so I feel totally free to take a spider and let her walk in my hand/arm/face. I love spiders. I love to see them walking.

    The only animal I am really scared of is Bees. Because bees… well, they can really hurt you! And it’s difficult to get out of their way! So yeah, bees are not nice.

    Spiders are.

    And snakes are cute, too.

  • A

    Ok – so I’m taking that as “you don’t like snakes.” :-?


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