I play football… with guys

I live in Mexico City with my parents and I’ve always been …odd. My mom always wanted to have like a little princess that she could dress up and stuff like that. I’m the type of girl that is the brightest of the class but doesn’t get good grades because of discipline or because my lack of responsibility. The one that always gets the type of “you’re crazy!!”, ” aren’t you afraid?” or “girls don’t do that” comments. The one that knows a lot of cars, likes ballet , motocross, going shopping, listening to metal, painting, art, and football.

When I told my dad I wanted to play football, he got me into a “flag football” team with girls and everything. I didn’t tell my dad I wanted to play with boys, so I played with girls and let the season pass. When the boys season began and I told my dad what I wanted (because my dad has always been more supportive than mom) he said “honey I really apreciate your courage, but you’re going to get hurt. Do you really want to do this?” he knew the answer.

First guys in the team were a bit uncomfortable but I’ve got to say that they have been the ones that support me and understand me the most. They’ve become more like my brothers.

I do not regret at all even when mom complains about it. Guess it’s never going to change  – just like me.

And by the way my nickname is “icebox” just like the girl in the movie Little Giants and I’ve found a guy which is really cute also :)

Find me at: http://facebook.com/fer.maranon


  • drummerg

    for some reason im more comftroble with boys. ( maybe beacause i have 2 bros) but when im around girls especily teen girls i get nervous then i get embarassed.

  • FootballGirl

    Hey, i read this and i see that i`m not the only one who plays with boys. I play with boys too. I love it. It`s much comfotable then with girls, right :D

  • A

    Fernanda – you are very fortunate to have supportive parents and teammates that appreciate your talents. Congrats on getting out their and enjoying the sport you love.

    This is an excellent example of a girls team not quite being an equivalent sport because the girls team was “flag football” and you prefer the rougher aspect of the full game.

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