I’m Giving Away Free T-shirts!

Yup – you read that right.  I’m going to give away Girls Can’t WHAT? T-shirts every month!  Starting this month, I will give away free shirts to random readers willing to answer the question “Have you ever been told you can’t because you’re a girl?”.  I have a top secret formula for selecting the winners so take extra care when submitting your entry.  Some criteria for winning may include uniqueness of story, best action photo, and most unique commentors.  You may submit a new entry each month.  The contest starts today!  Are you ready?  Tell us your story!


  • Debi Augustus

    I was told I couldn’t run a 6 figure Trucking& Repair Company over 15 years ago. I put up with a lot of rough, loud mouthed, rude truck drivers and know it all mechanics along with the boys who didn’t think I new truck parts and the open road. Boy were they all wrong! I still hear I can’t, and I’m still proving them wrong. I’m in my early fifties and still going strong in the trucking industry. They call me debidoesdiesels.

  • A

    Thanks Lisa! I received your submission and will get to it shortly. I’m trying to post them in the order I receive them so look for it soon.

    Now I’m off to make my list of favorite blogs…

  • I nominated you for an award! http://onlinepublicist.blogspot.com/2009/03/i-always-get-around-to-iteventually.html

    And now I’m off to enter that contest of yours. I love those shirts!!

    Lisa Roe
    Online Publicist

  • I’ve been told girls cannot do many things just because they are a girl. I do not think it’s fair, which is why I love this site, and how they deal with things. I wish boys were told that they could not do stuff and we would finally see some sexism towaers boys. HAHAHA.

  • A

    Thanks for sharing Andrea – if you want to submit those to the contest, be sure to enter them here: https://www.girlscantwhat.com/share-your-story/

  • I was told I wouldn’t be successful as an insurance agent, because “no one would take me seriously”. I also got “Who would want to invest their money with a young girl when there are so many older men out there?”
    This month, I have cleaned many of those “old men”‘s clocks in investing. Unlike them, I choose to take a bit less in commission to put people in investments that don’t loose them money! I’m very busy and the old men are at the coffee shops trying to figure out what they’re going to do!

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