Is it “Ho, ho, ho” or “Ha, ha, ha”?

Kelli pointed out this lovely article from World Net Daily about Santa and his traditional “Ho, ho, ho” expression. It seems, some nutjobs somewhere are protesting Santa’s freedom of speech, citing that “Ho, ho, ho” is not a politically correct thing to say these days. The temporary employment service, Westaff, is mandating that it’s Santas-for-hire replace the supposed derogatory phrase with “Ha, ha, ha” instead.

Ok, who thinks this stuff up? Seriously. Are there not better things to do in life? Let’s look at this from a logical viewpoint. Kids usually figure out that “Santa” isn’t real in about the second or third grade. Ask your average second or third grader what a “ho” is and you will likely be told it is a gardening tool. So does anyone really think that Santa is insulting women everywhere with his cheerful “ho ho ho” greeting? C’mon! I’d be more concerned that our kids will end up in therapy, traumatized because the new-improved politically correct Santa is laughing at them.


  • allichick

    =))=(( so many broken hearted kids and I thout polits couldt get any worse…..=))

  • =))

    Ah, I can see it now–thousands of kids in therapy.

    “Santa mocked me when I was three, and it’s HIS fault I turned out this way!”


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