Jessica Wants to be a Bullrider

Jessica and KissI hate being told that I cant do something just because I am a girl. Well you know what?? Girls are just as good as guys if we put our minds hearts and souls in to what we love to do. I am tired of being picked on.  I want to be a female bullrider.  Yeah that’s right I said FEMALE!! Bullrider.

I hate being shot down by guys and other girls who don’t think it is right. But you know what!!?? We women can do anything. we just have to work and prove ourselves!! And that ain’t hard for US women to do!


  • Really, does it matter if the rider is male or female? We’re talking about 3000 lbs of really pissed off bovine that wants nothing more than to gore and stomp you. Boy or girl, that bull could eat anyone’s lunch

  • Railroading Woman

    YOU GO GIRL!!! You are a Inspration to me!!! I have always wanted to try riding a bull, but I have always been afraid of being shot down by a man. BUT YOU ARE A AWESOME INSPIRATION TO ALL US COWGIRLS!!!

  • Oh yeah, Cody Tyler, I’m also stronger than my dad, uncles, all the guys in my school, and guys my parents work with. you think that women will “NEVER have enough strength to hold on for more than a split second”, I say YOU will never have the strength to say that a GIRL is better than you. No one likes a sexist.
    You go Jessica! You go and show everybody what you can do!

  • Buddy, who brought you into this world? If women can go through childbirth they can ride a bull for eight seconds. What part of cowGIRL don’t YOU understand? I’m a rancher’s daughter, grand daughter, great-grand daughter, and great-great grand daughter. That’s 4 generations before me and every single woman in my family can rope and ride better than a man, so wake up and smell the roses because women are finally coming into this world.
    No guts
    No glory

  • Cody Tyler

    WOW, when are girls going to wake up and realize that they have their place and that is NOT on a 3000lb bull. First of all no matter how bad you want it you will NEVER have the strength to hang on for more than a split second. If you do manage to get into a bull riding event, it will NEVER be PRCA. What part of cowBOY do have a problem not recognizing. The best thing for you girls to do is wash my clothes, make my dinner and serve any other needs I may have. Stay a girl and stop trying to ne a man.

  • woohoo! go Jessica!are you going to go to a bullriding school to learn to bullride? i shound be sometime this fall, i cant wait. There are ALOT of us on this site that want to or are a bullrider so you have alot of support here!!

    good luck!

  • A

    That’s awesome Jessica! Thanks for the story and the pic. If you search for bullriding on this site you will find a lot of other girls who want to ride as well. ;)

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