Katie Couric’s Lack of Support Affects All Women

Katie Couric PhotoMy sister gave me the heads up on this very intriguing article titled “How Much Abuse Can Katie Couric Take” by Susan Estrich. Katie has been under fire lately about how she is doing as the first female anchor on a major network. Comments have come from men and women on all sides, criticizing her on everything from word choice to the amount of make-up she does or doesn’t wear.

I was really stunned by the fact that Katie was being attacked by other women in journalism. Not that women aren’t allowed to criticize her but Susan points out:

Of all people, you’d think other women in the news business would understand just what Katie is up against and how her future is connected to ours. You’d think women would appreciate the challenge of settling into a role for which there are no role models, sitting in a chair that is usually occupied by older white men and convincing viewers to accept an attractive woman as equally credible.

Katie is no stranger to being treated differently because she is a woman. In 2003 when she hosted the “Tonight Show”, Jay Leno’s regular desk was replaced by one with no front panel so that viewers could get a better shot of her legs. What do Katie’s legs have to do with interviewing the guests? I could list a few other examples, but I think you get the point.

As women, we need to support Katie Couric and ALL the women pioneers who are out there breaking the gender stereotypes every day. As Susan put it

If Katie succeeds, we all win; she will have proven that people are happy to get their news from a smart, pretty woman. And if she fails? How many times will it be said that America just wasn’t ready for a woman in such a powerful role? We will all pay that price. You can bet it won’t be another woman replacing her.

How true that is.


  • Couric is no journalist, she is a biased mouthpiece for liberalism and jewish supremacism. Yes, she is jewish

  • Linda Harmstead

    I think that Katie Couric is the finest female news anchor on TV. She is especially bright; ask Bob Scheiffer-the one that said she’d never make it as a prime time host. Sorry Bob, she’s held all of the time slots and managed them all very well; my favorite being the cohost with Matt Lauer. As you’ve already figured out, I am a full blown Katie fan.

  • How clear can it be. Nowhere do you see a male anchor characterized as vicious, brazen etc. (Bill O’reilly, Stern and Limbaugh etc are of a small segment theater.)Hilary gets the same treatment. Women in the church are treated the same—with disdain.

    Support Katie. Its not even close.

  • A

    Interesting comment, Nate. What do you consider “showbiz”? I don’t watch much news at all so I’m not sure what you mean. Is it the content on her newscast, delivery style, media or what? :-?

  • I never watch the network evening news shows, but nevertheless have the following “expert” opinion: The ABC guy is gaining because he is the least “show biz” of the three; Couric is losing because she is the most “show biz”. There’s already too much fluff in the news and Couric is adding more. Probably this is only part of what going on, but I think it is something. If Couric were the Hillary Clinton of newsreaders (i.e., very strong on substance) there would be more of a case for Couric losing because of sexism.

  • Okay…frankly, I have just never cared for Katie Couric. ;) Has nothing to do with her being a woman (there are several female news anchors on the cable networks, btw), I just don’t care for her personality, maybe. Not sure.
    I do think that the flack she’s been taking lately, however, is due to poor management on the part of her producers, not of Katie herself.
    CBS was a network on its way out before Katie was ever hired on to breathe life into its news broadcast.
    Unfortunately, it seems that only the “prettiest” of female anchors/reporters is getting hired these days, yet the men are as varied as you can get. I don’t know when the day will come that we aren’t judged solely by our appearance or amount of makeup. :(
    Good luck, Katie…you’ll have to do TWICE as well as a man could to get an equal amount of credit. :(

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