Meet Quad Racer Angela “Cookie” Smith

Angela1In a sport dominated by men, Angela “Cookie” Smith isn’t just spinning her wheels. Since she first fired up the engine on a quad just a few years ago, she has done nothing but move forward at full throttle, picking up sponsorships and competing against both men and women in a sport she loves. Angela was drawn to Girls Can’t WHAT? through the Four-Wheeler design and was gracious enough to grant us an interview.

GCW: What is your main passion and describe when you first became interested in it?

Angela: My most passionate hobby is riding my quad, a big 07′ yfz 450 se. I got it from my boyfriend in May of 2007, brand new, for my graduation. I had never ridden a quad or a dirtbike or anything of the sort in my life! I was a little nervous when he handed me the keys for the first time, but I immediately loved it.

GCW: Have you ever been injured or encountered any setbacks while riding?

Angela: Unfortunately, with any sport there are some risks. I have been injured, nothing major, just a couple of sprained ankles, wrists, a dislocated elbow, and some road rash. Even if I ever do get seriously injured I would still be on my quad as soon as I possibly could. As for setbacks, the only setbacks would be when riding is wintertime only because it is so cold and I can’t ride.

GCW: What is your favorite tool, piece of equipment or (whatever) that you use?

Angela: My favorite tool when it comes to riding would be my plugs for my tires. I always have plugs hidden under my seat that way if I was to ever get a leak in my tire it wouldn’t slow me down any when I am riding with my friends.

GCW: Great idea. I appreciate folks who plan ahead. Do you have a favorite event or memory?

Angela: My favorite memory of riding would be the first day I got sponsored. I was out riding with my friends on a nice warm day, and there were some newcomers to our riding spot. We rode over to greet them and thats when I met Steve Mann, my sponsor. He is an awesome dirtbike rider. And after riding with him for the day, and after he saw me ride, he offered to sponsor me. He started telling me all about his business, Hogsback Motorsports, and how he would love to see me ride in competitions. It was the greatest day for me.

GCW: Wow – that sounds like a fantastic opportunity for you! What are some of the highlights of your career so far?

Angela2Angela: The highlights of riding for me would be riding in general. I love riding with my friends at our favorite riding spots. I also love being me, the only girl in our riding group, and also the only quad. In the combination I love riding everywhere my friends on their dirtbikes do. It’s a great feeling when the girl, and the only quad rider goes on dirtbike trails, without a problem.

GCW: What challenges have you faced as a female in this area and how did you handle them?

Angela: Challenges for me as a female riding a quad would be being the only girl out there riding, but it doesn’t really pose a problem because I love everyone I ride with. They are awesome and they always are pushing me to be the best I can be. I don’t think I would be as good on a quad if I didn’t have their support.

GCW: Have you ever been told you ‘can’t’ because you are a girl? What did you do about it?

Angela: I have not been told exactly that I ‘can’t’ because I am a girl, but I have been laughed at because I am a girl rider. I don’t really take it the wrong way, because I know everything they say about me just helps me in the end to become a better rider because of that. So, thank you!

GCW: Way to keep a positive perspective on it. So what do you think is your greatest accomplishment?

Angela: My greatest accomplishment would be hill climbing. My first attempts to hill climb were not successful. I would try to climb the hills, but if I got stuck I would panic, which lead the quad to start rolling, and unfortunately on top of myself. I was very nervous to try to climb again, but my friends, as well as my biggest supporter, my boyfriend, would urge me to try again and again. Then, finally I got it in my head that I was going up that hill, no matter what, so I did. I went up the biggest hill in our riding spots. That was most definitely my greatest accomplishment.

GCW: That’s really cool. Determination and persistence paid off for you. How would you encourage other girls who are interested in your field?

Angela3Angela: I would encourage other girls interested in my field to be all you can be. Always listen to everything anyone tells you, take to heart, but in a different way, use it as fuel for your quad and ride. Don’t let anything scare you. Most of all, be you, be the girl that you are, riding the quad that you ride. Never try to be someone else. Be your own design.

GCW: Fabulous advice! What other interests do you have?

Angela: Well, when I was in high school I was a cheerleader. I loved to do competitions, and I pushed myself to be a better athlete and gymnast. My other interests would be skateboarding, making riding videos, and just hanging out with my friends. Also I love taking my little niece riding with me. :)

GCW: Angela – you sound like a very well-rounded individual with your head on straight. Thanks for taking time to tell us about your riding experiences and for the encouraging words to young girls who may be following in your footsteps.

You can catch Angela on myspace at:


  • Hi this Occonor, (You can call me jay) I am an Independent Amsoil dealer. Amsoil is the leader in synthetic lubes and greases. My website address is i am interested in sponsoring a quad rider. Any rider out there that looking for sponsors please contact me at and put Quad Sponsor in the subject. Angela and all the other quad riders good luck at competitions and wish ya’ll the best.

  • :d
    Your so cool, I wanna be just like you when I grow up!

  • Hey Robert! xD Ye hes short lol but anyways I haven’t seen Steve in quite awhile, tell him Krystie said Hi! :3 Oh and what do you ride?

  • Hey angela i ride with a steve mann who rides dirtbikes right now he has a ktm 620 he used to have a cr im not sure when u knew him. Hes really short aint he. lol hes cool though

  • wow hi angela! im candice umm i just want to tell u that i have been riding quads since i was 4 and racing since i was 10 and im 15 well what i wanted to tell you if you get to see this is that U R AMAZINGG!!! your my idol i wish i was as cool as you keep riding har girl!! -your fan candice#19

  • Hi
    I’m a brazillian rider.
    It’s good to know about others pilots in other countries.
    See my video on You Tube.


    Mary 13

  • I started riding just last year actually i am 19 i’d be 18 then lol =p

  • WOW that sound awsome

    when did u start

    and how old were u


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