Morgan Does “Men’s Work”

Howdy, I’m a 13 year old girl who loves cows and horses. A lot of my friends and most of the guys I know don’t think that I’ll be able to go to work with my dad. He works at a Heifer Development Yard just outside of town, during the summer I go there and work with him. We heat check and I help in the AI (Artificial Insemination)/Processing Barn. I help separate the cattle. A lot of the people there thank me because I help them get their work done faster. It’s a lot of fun, I also get really good shots with my camera there too. And they said a girl couldn’t do a man’s work!


  • Sometimes it doesn’t take guts to do anything, most the time it’s just about what you want to do. Guts, courage, or bravery doesn’t really mean anything, it’s all the same thing, just a different word. But do words really mean anything? They’re just a way to voice an opinion, why not voice an opinion with actions for once instead of words?
    Vaya Con Dios

  • Thanks! Yup! I’m that same ol’ Morgan. Liftin’ bales every day, trainin my horse, school, and workin; that Morgan, I guess.

  • Hey, way to go, doing what you love!
    Are you the same Morgan that wants to ride bull’s to? I want to ride bull’s to, hopefully i’m going to bullriding school this summer!

  • A

    Morgan – way to get in there and do what you love. That takes real guts. Don’t ever back down! :)>-

  • I forgot to mention that often times the cows play tricks on us and won’t go through the chutes and go back out so you have to go and “chase” them back into the chutes. I call the yard my home away from home.

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