MotoFemina is a reality video series that features three women from Santa Fe, New Mexico who are encountering motorcycle riding for the first time. The three women are drawn from all walks of life, but one thing unites them: their passion to break out of the ordinary and become motorcyclists.
MotoFemina the video series honors the mystique of motorcycling and the spirit of the open road. It also honors uncommon women as they quest after adventures that only motorcycling can bring. At the end of the journey, one woman is awarded a new BMW F 650 GS motorcycle and takes the lead of a new band of motorcyclists known as”MotoFemina.
MotoFemina episodes can be found on iTunes and YouTube: Visit for more information.
i ride behind sometimes and i love it…. I even love a lot more riding motorbikes by myself ;).
missfashion usa1
I love women on motorcycles. but why don’t more women ride motorcycles? I think a lot of girls have ridden on the back of a motorcycle, and didn’t like it, so they assume they won’t like riding their own. I wish more would try it, because it’s completely different to ride by yourself vs being a passenger. More…
Lissa – maybe you can contact MotoFemina and see if they can get you in touch with the producers of that series. You might be able to pitch some ideas to them and get some exposure for BMX girls. It’s worth a try. ;)
That is awesome. I wish someone would do something with BMX Girls.