My Best Year Yet!

Lots of folks have birthdays in March and today just happens to be mine! I probably spend my birthdays in a most unusual way. I don’t like parties and all the fluff. I typically spend my birthday with my todo list. But it’s not just any ‘todo’ list.

Your Best Year Yet!: Ten Questions for Making the Next Twelve Months Your Most Successful Ever This ‘todo list’ is a list of my top goals for the year. I have only been doing this for about the last 5-6 years but it has paid off big time! When I first started doing this, I used to just sit down and make a list of goals for the year which kind of worked but was often overwhelming and overambitious. Last year, though, I read a fabulous book by Jinny Ditzler called “Your Best Year Yet!” Her book has helped me set some dream goals in place and make giant steps toward achieving them.

The book can be used in several ways, but in a nutshell, Jinny walks you through answering 10 questions about your life. You have to do a lot of serious thinking about where you have been and where you want to go in life, and the instructions surrounding each question help guide you through. The entire session takes about 3 hours, but the payoff lasts 24/7/365. When you are finished, you will end up with a one-page summary of your top 10 goals for the year and a game plan of how you will achieve those goals. I did this last year immediately after reading the book and came up with a great Top 10 list. I achieved most things on the list. Why not all of them? Well, I found out that the first year serves as a learning experience. Looking back on last year’s list, I can see where I needed to recalibrate and what obstacles I encountered that weren’t expected. But just knowing that I completed 7/10 is an awesome feeling! This year I am hoping for a better score.

The great thing about keeping the number of goals to 10 is that it helps you to narrow your focus. When I did this exercise the first time, I actually came up with 13 goals so I just created a separate list and added the three extra goals to it. Throughout the year, I have added other possible goals to that list. I will also review that ‘someday’ list while making my final 10 selections.

I think the best part of this whole book is that it’s not just about making a nifty little list to file away in your drawer. In fact, my list will be typed up and placed as a memo in my palm PDA. Every week when I review my commitments and projects for the following weeks, I also review my Top 10 list and make sure I am on track to reach those goals. Because you have to put a lot of thought and effort into brainstorming your list, it doesn’t become a nice-to-have-but-I-can’t-really-do-it-list. You can actually look at it with confidence, knowing that by your next birthday (or whenever you start) that you will have achieved most, if not all, of the things on your list. Do not be discouraged if you don’t do them all. As I said before, the first year is a learning experience. You will get better at it with each passing year and it is ok if you have to revise a couple of them due to circumstances beyond your control. If your goal is to climb Mt. Everest, but you get in a car accident and have to go through physical therapy, move your climbing goal to your ‘someday’ list and concentrate on healing your body.

Even if it isn’t your birthday, now is a fabulous time to make your own Top 10 list. I have added “Your Best Year Yet!” to the “books” section under Inspiration. Follow the book link below to get a copy of this fantastic book from

And, in case you are wondering, I’m 33 today.

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