my shocking moment on the field

The soccer game was intense but as a goalie/defense i was on it but as I was in goal a little boy came behind the gaol box and shouted “girls cant play soccer” it took me back .Then his mom came up and said “oh yes they can! “that whole comment that a 5 year old said took me back
cause it made me think that some little boys and grown men still think that.Which is a shame.


  • allichick

    yah I know how you feel with I am in scool I want to join football but BOYS AND GIRLS in my school say I am weird or gay and next year I am going to join the football team to prove them wrong:d wsh me luck%%-%%-%%-

  • missfashion usa1

    please leave me a comment…..I would love to hear from you!;):)>-

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